Monday, October 25, 2010

Mischievous Kiss Cast After Party Photos

Aigoo!!!!SOOOO CUTE!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I love So min, Eun Jo and Hyun Joong's Photo!!!


OMG!!!!!!!!!!Love love love!!!!!

Aigoo!!Happy Family with the FAther???LOL!!


  1. ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh...speechless ^_^

  2. they party the feast when? These latest photos
    khj argggggg I missed you

  3. this is a cute guess the night of 22 Oct..the Baek brothers with sister-in-law HaNi ^_^

  4. the father who is a photo with them?

  5. The Baek family ^_^

  6. Thank you so much Kathy...I have been waiting for these cute...the Baek family ^_^ agnes

  7. It has to be the same day of the Seoul fashion event, perhaps after(22 Oct) because Leader is wearing the same clothes, just check the necktie ^_^ agnes

  8. The 2nd photo, the guy with them is the producer for Group 8...

    The Baek Family are soooooooooo great together!!!!!!

    You're welcome Unnie Agnes!!!


  9. I miss them already!!! ^_^ agnes

  10. I miss them too!!

    By the way gurls, did you know there was some sort of DISCUSSION on that bed scene on the position of Hyunnie's leg?comments really cracked me up!


  11. position of the foot? mean? hehehe

  12. they look so cute together !!!I really love them :*
    hope to see JoongMin couple more in drama , movie and even in real life !!!

  13. I'm happy to see joni couple again but why eunjo interfere again hehe. More interesting if hj and sm only on that pic. Kathy, thank you so much for these pics that i've been waiting for.

    by the way, i read the discussions about hj's leg over on top of sm hehe in this web

    i watch again the bed scene to check his leg haha funny!....chinmae

  14. Yes, SeungJo's leg on top of HaNi was the first thing I noticed when I watched the clip the first time, it makes the scene very sensual, really very intense. I turned the discussion off when I watch that scene in viikii, there were indeed a lot of viewers comments there, a distraction I need to concentrate on the scene...kekeke and did you also hear the sounds of their kissing, noises of Leader's lips that added too the intensity really seemed so real, so natural really...gosh Leader is really so good with these scenes...becoming a yummy guy in person but also on screen hahaha

  15. SoMin is so pretty in the pictures ^_^ EunJo, Choi Won Hong is the protective shield for Leader and SoMin, they may forget and couldn't help themselves and become SeungJo and HaNi in character, all of sudden (please allow and forgive me just feeling giddy) kekeke

  16. OMO!!!!your reactions are sooooo CUTE!!!!!!

    I hoped Eun Jo wasnt there too but hey! At least look at their heads...??So close together..YOu can't post like that if you are not close right??kekeke

    And that leg is really killing me!!! And others are even talking about the gravitational pull of HJ and SO Min...LOL!!!hahaha...And when HJ kisses her, his body is also moving which makes other fans think that indeed, that precious thing of his is well, felt by our dear LADY..hahaha~~~!!!

    And the sound of the kisses!!!!!

  17. Oh Kathy, you said it hahaha...I thought about that too especially the first time I saw the clip hahaha...It would be a nice feeling if it is a guy you really like kekeke It intensifies the loving feeling (I hope I am not sounding like a pervert) I am talking about real love, guys. I believe there is a really something more than just acting here, perhaps an infatuation of some sort, a crush or admiration although it is still possible that they are merely very professional. After all Leader, is also quite mischievous as himself. We had seen so any on screen photos. I wish they had more pictures, just the two of them, just Leader and JungSoMin. I really want to see how it looks like just the two of them together without the Choi Won Hong "shield" ^_^

  18. Yes, I forgot to mention again, Leader's leg stradled over SoMin's and those smacking noises. I wonder who made more noises, was it Leader? hahaha Leader has really become a yummier and hot guy but still could appear so cute and innocent looking ^_^

  19. It is irresistible to watch over and over again those intense scenes ^_^

  20. Leader is pursuing a course? I would like to think that JungSoMin encourage Leader since HaNi encouraged SeungJo to become a doctor...but I think my speculation seem to be true...I need to find out more about it hahaha

  21. OMO!!!!I am really loving this post of mine!kekeke

    So many comments!kekekeke

    I cant help but really watch the scene and look harder and harder and listening intently..OOPS!!Pervert?hahaha

    Well, I think there is something..I mean..Even if they are not together, they must have been feeling something for each other..I really feel it...I dont know..My feeling is just soooo strong...Coz I base all these thoughts from the photos I have been seeing...Just look at the photos above..Leader's look..IS JUST...How do I put it?hahaha!!!

