Wednesday, October 27, 2010

MinJoong BEST Offcam Moments!!!!

I was just soooooo inspired with all the comments from my So Min post that I decided to post this..I chose the best fancams I can remember..If you happen to know one which are not here, do leave a comment as I can not remember all..kekeke! I just remember these!!Coz they are super, WAHHHHHHHHHHHHH~~~~!!!!


Hug in the RAIN!!!


Happy for JEJU Scene!!!

And the best of ALL fancams!!!!

Pardon the randomness..BUT I JUST LOVE THIS PHOTO A WHOLE LOT!!!!


  1. I'm missing PK SO BAAAADD... i wonder if i'm going to get over it any times soon.. help me!!
    those fancams are totally awesome.. i don't even get tired rewatching them... sometimes, they are even better than rewatching the drama itself *cough*car backseat view*cough*
    and btw, seems like there's new screencaptures once of again of first love story..
    Su Hyun

  2. wow thanks! you can see they were both shy at the first fancam when the PD was teasing them. You can see the PD cover her face with the script feeling giddy for them and then they both look at each other with a shy smile then burst out laughing with the PD. wonder what the PD said? haha maybe about how hot the kiss should be! haha well as expected HJ did deliver it pretty hot! hahaha

  3. SH,

    Why do I have this urge of not helping you?haha! I dont want you to get over with them! They are just irresistible!!!


    Indeed!!!I also wonder what PD said as the PD is known for teasing his stars together! Like what he did with Yoon Eun Hye and Joo Ji Hoon..!!!


  4. Same here, I also can't get rid of PK fever either - just love and crazy for this drama... love KHJ & JSM, they're cute and adorable couple.
    Thank you Kathy for posting all of this great fancams. I felt like a perfert from watching the kissing scene over again and again... never tired of waching it... ;)

  5. Youre welcome!!!!!!


    I am repeating all those cute scenes in the drama!!


  6. Watching the clips of the kiss in the rain, the honeymoon scene, the CPR cut, the tickle scene, the walking in the park, the cemetery scene, the last kissing scene BTS and clip, always make me fall in love like crazy...I never get tired of clicking the replay button all the time...^_^ agnes

  7. What is the title of the OST sang by this male singer? I just realized I need to find out more of the OSTs ^_^

  8. I get it! is RUN...I wonder who is singer though? I like it a lot! It was played when SeungJo was teaching HaNi tennis...I got to watch that again too kekeke

  9. Agnes,

    I dont know what happened to me to make me feel this way for MinJoong! I am just obsessed with them!! Before, all I think about is Hyun Joong..Now I think of them together!!!


    I dont know who sang though..It's a pretty good song right?!!!Makes us reminisce!!!


  10. I am thinking of Leader's struggles again when Leader was just starting. Leader said in a past interview that he can handle love and career at the same time, one can't be sacrificed over the other...But before PK ended, Kim Hyun Joong seemed really a little like SeungJo when it comes to love. I can sense Leader has some difficulties since sometimes he mentions of maybe being alone forever...I watched some old videos. Leader talking about his past relationships. His past relationships may have something to do with how Leader talks to girls now, so shy at first then becoming comfortable at some point...Leader was awkward with JSM at the beginning as shown in the BTS scenes of their first kiss. JSM is the first girl, I can see that Leader has felt at ease right away kekeke In just a few episodes, we can see that Leader has become comfortable with her right away. Recently Leader is evolving again and seems like a new person...hmmm...let us keep watch...kekeke oh so sorry for this long comment ^_^

  11. I liked that video when Leader was talking about his first love, stalking a girl he met at a restaurant. Waiting for her again at the restaurant, hoping to find her. After 3 years, the restaurant closed. Leader felt he will never find that girl. Even worked for the lady who owned the resto still hoping to find the girl. Then finally Leader found out where the girl went to school and finally was able to talk to her. Sent her food in her class since Leader found out she wasn't eating lunch yet. Leader talked to a young boy too, to send her an umbrella when it was raining. Then calling her, asking for a date...hehehe These are such sweet things I thought Leader couldn't do. Leader said there was no formal break-up. Perhaps Leader had become busy because according to him it happened before SS501 was making "Warning". This was where Leader emphasized said that Love shouldn't be sacrificed over a career. Leader was asked if he didn't debuted with SS501(that was 2005) if he will still together with that girl. Leader immediately said most likely. Which means that Leader did have some regrets in his past relationships. Then there was that story about having 3 instances of almost dying encounters before he became a trainee. Living in the streets may also be a reason why he talks differently, has so many unique answers...that is why he is still close with his high school friends because they were with him in those difficult times...Oh Leader has been thru a lot of trials and hardships. These circumstances are the reasons why Leader is like this in the present. Leader was protected and was made stronger earlier in his life for some reason because I believe he is meant for some bigger things! I hope you will also get the chance to watch those videos. It maybe a tearjerker or an eye opener to some, but it was such a relief for me that Leader survived and has become what he is today!!! again so soory for this long comment ^_^

  12. Wow!Such a long comment and I appreciate it!

    I believe I have posted the video you were talking about here...Its one of the oldest posts I have made...

    Look where he is now...One of the richest celebrities in Korea and the most handsome guy ever!

    I guess the reason why I love So Min soo much is because I know Leader too much...He is never that bubbly personality in front of girls..But here he is..Smiling..Laughing..Getting shy at So Min...


    If you did already saw this before, then forget it....

  14. I saw the video of hj's talking his first love but still, i will be happy and contented for being a fan of them if they are in real.

    I agree with you kathy, inspite of being a new fan of hj. I look at him as a snobbish guy hehe especially when he is in the airport. Many fancams of him i've already seen but I didn't saw hj smiling and jokingly greet to his fans as what he did last monday when he came back from beijing.

    CHEERS! for seeing leader happy inspite of his hectic schedules.


  15. joongiee smile >_< !! arghh *meltz*
