Friday, October 22, 2010

A Message from Our Leader, KIM HYUN JOONG

I will patiently wait and stand by your side no matter what Hyun Joong..Dont fret..We love you!!!


Kim Hyun Joong

chinese trans: yoyo @HYUNBAR
english trans: bb @

This is the first drama that I'm the leading actor,
there's much that I want to say.
But it's because of the fans, everyone's support and cheer
I didn't despair and give up
Working very hard... persisting all the way till the end.

Eh, countless rumours, unsubstantiated and groundless news
(All of you) just ignored them
and put up with things just to wait for today
First and foremost, to everyone...
I wish to express my gratitude...

Me like this
rambling on with words that don't seem to make much sense
not wishing and not wanting to cause everyone to wait without promises
and without any end in sight
So, no matter what or which kind
I really wish to collect my thoughts before emerging
Words that I wanted to say back then
but have waited till now to say them, I'm sorry

In the end
things that I'd thought through and thoughts that I'd organized
I ended up becoming more fastidious with them

Whilst filming this drama
many people were worried and anxious due to the ratings
In contrast, I was quiet and calm
and rode through the storm together with PK (team)

Of course, a genius I'm not
But just like Baek Seung Jo with worries that cannot be shared or expressed
going through and withstanding all of it alone
I still hope to be able to manage the situation well
Yea, it seems to be that way...

When I've worries like that
I came upon the line (in the script) "Other people will be happy if I'm happy"
Coz of this line, I've given (things) a lot of thought

So I, Kim Hyun Joong,
wish to live life happier and in a more meaningful manner

When I'm weary and tired
I like to chat with fans
Am I too mysterious? Ke!

I'm also confident of myself
Coz I'm a believer of consequentialism
(*bb: that the end justifies the means)
it's come to a point that self-reflection has become necessary...

Before, it seems that I was pretending that I was living well and happily
Now, I will put in my utmost, my best
to gain everyone's recognition
and not have an outcome that is negative
I wish to become someone like that...

From now on
I will challenge my first solo album^^
(Will) really put in effort
Will be glad

In the months of August, September and October in 2010
everyone's watching over me and caring for me

In 2011, I will watch over everyone and care for everyone
I will come back in 2011 in a handsome manner

I've had a great time in these three month
Thank you, everyone

Everyone, too, please be safe
for the remaining time in the year in 2010^^

I feel that you'll be just like family to me
from now on.

See you~~ ^^

21st Oct 2010
the last episode of Playful Kiss

Everyone's leader
Hyun Joong.... ^^


  1. Oh my God!!! Kim Hyun Joong has always managed to convey his innermost thoughts & personal aspirations in his distinctive 4D way!!! Don't know if I could love him more than I do now!!!
    We'll always be behind you & supporting all your future endeavors!!!

  2. Couln't hold my tears while reading his message. Must be very very hard for him all during the last three months and few mths before that...(heartpain, heartpain!!) So proud of our HJ! He deserves to be loved. HJ, you will always have our fully support no matter what!
    Thanks Kathy for sharing his lovely message!

  3. Dear Kathy, thanks for sharing this msg, I feel sadden by what leader has gone through this few mths, but I'm also extremely proud and touched by him and his words, he's really a great guy, and example, and I will look up and think of him when things are not going well, and remembering the phrase, people will be happy if im happy, I will be a better me!!!

    Love you leader,
    With all my heart!

  4. I think I have read this a countless time though I hesitated at first to leave a comment because I will become emotional again ^_^ Leader is really something special, right? He always shares his innermost thoughts to his fans, something other stars may hesitate to do. Well Leader wants us to feel that he is strong that he is alright but he is human after all...We believe Leader that you will become the best in everything you do. We are always here to support you and forever we will be always there!!! ^_^
