Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Meeting Hyun Joong on a Cold NIght

Credits to (photos) as tagged + caroline912 @Hyunbar + (English translation) miyo

Excited throughout the night, I really can't wait for a proper account, so I will write a simple account first!

Met Hyun Joong during the wee hours of 26th, the weather in Seoul suddenly changed, the wind was strong and it was very cold!

We bumped into him when he went to the supermarket to buy something! Knowing that we are his fans, he signed for CC, doudou and I and even signed to Hyun Joong Chinese Mother Fans.

As the weather was cold, after Hyun Joong bought his own stuff, he went to the take 3 bottles of hot soy milk from the heat box (miyo: sorry, can't find the exact word for it) outside the supermarket and gave each of us a bottle!

Really very nice and sweet of him!

I'm so excited that I couldn't sleep at all and I don't even know how to speak already! So I just came here and do a simple account!

Autographed and soy milk pictures will be put up later after we have watermark it with our Chinese Mother Fans logo and together with the proper fan account.

Too excited!!!!!!! Feeling too blissfully happy!!!!


  1. I don't think they'll drink the milk Joongie bought for them...hahahaha...they should get Joongie's fingerprint that's imprinted on the!!! gracia =)

  2. of course i loved leader before but man, he's getting better and better with fans... the jangjamyung and now this! wow.
    btw, is it just me or in the black and white pix in the second set of first love story, it reminded me SO much of his earlier days, when he still had dark hair. he looked so innocent..<3

    (and just for the sake of it... minjoong! kk)

  3. Finally yaoyao sent her account about that chance meet at the supermarket...I also liked her account of the finale event and the Seoul fashion event ^_^

  4. SH,

    LOL at the random MINJOONG!!HAHAHAHA

  5. Oh, HJ is so sweet, so thoughtful. We love him much more...
    Wonder if they are going to share more of their fan accs.
    HJ, be happy and healthy always!
    Thanks for sharing Kathy!

  6. wow! you are sooo lucky:) you met him? wow. you are my new idol:)

  7. it's good to know that someone so famous is still humble and kind<3:)
