Friday, October 29, 2010

Kim Hyun Joong - The First Love Story CUT

Oh my gosh!!!This DVD is soooo GREAT!!!!!!

And oh, Hyunnies..are you getting confused already with all the stuff that is coming out? Honestly though...It has been really tiring for me too as Hyun Joong is such a HOT property and updates just keep coming here and there so I wanna apologize..

Credits: MurdererQbackup

Thanks to guest for the link again at sidebar


  1. yes.. the dvd is great and poor you... give some time to yourself to read what you post.. we can wait! ^^
    and did you sleep at all?


  2. Perhaps you can group all videos and pics together for the signing event...I know it is hard to blog...they all come from different is easier to post links...Thanks for all the hardwork...^_^ By the way, I saw the video links, two videos of the signing event you posted separately, last night too but now they are deleted from, there are people who check the youtube. I hope they will not delete all especially KHJ perfect's and copies of the First Love Story video in the latest post done by TheMurderq. reena29 re-uploaded some of the videos and made it unlisted and used another many really are looking at KHJs videos, so strict in copyright...they are also making too much money out of it...Good thing our Leader is very generous...^_^

  3. and TheMurderQ made also another profile, TheMurderQbackup...hope they just make their videos unlisted hahaha although I think I will still get a my own copy though hahaha

  4. SH,

    I havent slept yet!!!haha....


    Oh it has been deleted already? I dont even have the time to look anymore!!!hehehe...Thank you for giving suggestion! Next time I will do that!

    Seeing that video of MurdererQ above, I will definitely BUY!!!!!!!


  5. Gosh I checked again, it is leenongpark1's profile that was deleted, all her signing event and 1st Love Story are gone...gosh...poor girl I hope she had back-up of her videos...I hope you did too Kathy. I just watched that KHJ focused video, Leader talking with a bocquet of flowers then a few minutes later, it is all gone ^_^ But KHJ perfect is still there...rainaftershine & 3something

  6. I am glad there is a blog that is dedicated to KHJ and not "forcing" him to this or that girl or woman to the point that the star has lost his own brightness . Thank you for this kind of stance.

  7. is this a movie andd if it is when is it coming out
