Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Hyun Joong Ah, I Am Drunk With Your Smiles

Thanks for the Anonymous who shared the link to the fan acount!!

Honestly, Hyun Joong ah is really different that night right? He is soooo handsome!!!I mean, its not even a news haha...But, he looks amazing that night.! All smiles!!!


Star Encounter Part 6 –
Hyun Joong Ah, I Am Drunk With Your Smiles

Credits: Lavender at

2010-10-21 Thursday

Got some decent sleep and woke up feeling good. 
It’s going to be a wonderful day.
Lovely princess emz arrived in the morning after a red eye flight from Singapore.
She is so nice and gave us gifts, 
I got a cell phone pendant with a lavender string, thanks, dear.
We chatted shortly and decided to go eat lunch at Myeongdong.
Poor emz, no nap for her.

Since emz spent 18 days with princess bb back in May-June so she led the way to MD.
She also knows where to buy Hyunjoong products with reasonable price.
It was at the start of lunch hour, Myeongdong was already filled with people.
She took us to a two story noodle shop, 
I think the name is “Myeongdong dumpling”.
There were not that many choices on the menu 
and we ordered the house special noodle and some Xiao Long bao (steamed)
It was very delicious.
I was so hungry and finished mine in several minutes.
More and more people lined up outside to get in, tourists and office people.
We hurried to vacate our table.

I needed to go to Singapore airline office to change my return date one more time 
while Kate and emz went shopping..
(Aigoo, so many changes on this trip, all for our star)
We met again at the underground shopping area.
The store has all kinds of idol related products.
I was so pleased to find they have HJ’s Spain Ready Action photo books,
Only 25,000 won each (cheaper than any other place), 
and the quality looks good.
Considered how much we paid for the Japan 1st Story photobook/DVD, 
This is almost like a drop in the bucket.
I will take two.
Also got a Kyujoong cell phone chain for ET.
I bought two

With enough time to kill before the fan meeting, 
I made a request to visit Junmin’s Royal Avenue shop.
It took us a while to get there. 
There were no other customers in the store.
Two female staff greeted us.
I asked them whether JM was OK since we heard he went to the hospital.
They said he was fine now.
The shop was much smaller than I expected.
Clothes and accessories were displayed along with JM’s photos.
We took pictures and ordered drinks.
The rabbits are so big now, but only 4 of them.
Two white, one with pink eye, one with huge brown eye.
They played with each other.
Later, the big brown eyed one lay down on the floor, 
the pink eyed one started to lick/groom him (or her). 
BBE was apparently enjoying it.
More pictures, of course.

The office is located one floor down.
Somehow I had a remote suspicion that JM might be there.
While we were there, two well dressed young men came in carrying a 6 pack.
They went down to the office and stayed for a while.
After they left, we could hear male voices down there.
We didn’t venture down, well, if it were our Star, I might, ha ha.

Time to get to our main destination today.
The excitement and anticipation is in the air.
A quick subway ride, we arrived at the Children’s park.
Princess emz was taking pictures of all the subway stations.

It was a little after 4pm when we arrived at the park.
As soon we entered the entrance, 
we saw the first sign that we were at the right place.
A big Jaki fan meeting banner with our Star was hanging between two posts.
We started to take pictures of the banner.
There was a middle aged lady with a very good camera doing the same thing.
We asked her to take a group picture for us.

There was a fountain in the park and lots of kids were playing with water.
Some old folks were sitting on the benches.
A really nice place to hang out.
Another Jaki banner pointing to the fan meeting hall.
I recalled that HJ left a message about direction to the park on the Keyeast webby.
He is really being 4D again.
Soon we could see fans waiting around the hall.
Some Korean fan clubs set up tables to pass out free gifts to fans.
They were giving us a gift box with a piece of rice cake with KHJ’s name in pink
A cell phone chain, and some nice pictures.
They are from a joint force of KHJ Perfect, KHJ0606 and Hyuniversal.
We also got KHJ posters from miclub too.
I always admire these fan clubs members.
They are so generous and kind,
They are here to support our Star in every event
It’s not only money they spend
But also the countless hours they spend on preparing those gifts.
We can tell they wrapped each item with care and love for our Star.

I soon spotted my dear Korean unnie and some fans I met a couple days ago
Happy to see them again.
Majority of the fans we saw at the time looked in the 20-40s, maybe 50s too.
Maybe the younger fans were still in classes.
Miclub had a stand to show they donated 10,000Kwon to Charity in HJ’s name.
They also put up a message board where fans could write a message to HJ on a yellow post-it note.
I wrote “Be Happy” and put the note on the board.
Saw a camera man was shooting and I asked him whether it was for FM DVD.
He said yes so I asked him to make sure capture my message, hehe.

Many beautiful flower basket stands were placed outside the hall,
I am sure you’ve all seen the pictures.
One was from LKHJ, and the message was “Let’s All Live like Flowers”
It has princess bb written all over it, I thought.
We took pictures with the flowers.
Four Korean fans paraded around with a banner “Kim Hyun Joong Shin, Dok Jum Ha Reo 
(can’t make out two words), DC Kim Hyun Joong Kael Reo Ri”. 
Have no idea what it meant, but the ladies were giggling walking around.
Not sure if I would be that brave.

Being always a forgetful person, 
I had to leave to pick up a bag I left at the hostel I stayed.
Stuff I bought at the Face Shop.
It took me an hour and half to get back and it was already dark.
The water fountain was pretty in the dark with lights with various colors.
The fans already lined up to pick up the tickets.
Two kind dongsaengs already picked up my ticket early.
The line for Korean fans was the longest.
Two additional lines were much shorter, 
one for Japanese fans, quite a few came,
another for other foreign fans.
I saw a Keyeast van parked close to the staff entrance and got excited,
Our star arrived?
But when I got close, I only saw Keyeast CEO Mr. Yang getting off.
Wow, he always attends Hyun Joong’s major events.
I am so happy that Keyeast treats our dear star very well.
He wore a dark suit and looked very slim.
Other fans told me that HJ had already arrived even though nobody saw him.
I suspect he drove himself since it’s not far from where he lives.

Now I saw more teenager fans, they came after school.
And I was surprised to spot a few guys too, 
not sure they were HJ fans or just came to accompany their significant others.
Around 7pm, we went into the hall lobby.
More flowers inside.
It’s interesting I saw one was from someone called “Michael”, a male fan?
Several staff were guarding the two doors to the hall.
When they came in and out, we could hear the loud music.
Our star was rehearsing.
At one point, I heard the familiar “Please Be Nice To Me”.
Me in cloud nine, get to see it again in 10 days.

The seating charts were hanging in the lobby so we all got close to take a look.
We were in section 2, which was in the front close to the stage. 
Our seats were quite decent too.
I even got an aisle seat.
I secretly prayed that JH would enter the hall from the back by the aisle.
Some fans were groaning because their seats were not close to the stage.
More and more came in and waited in the lobby. 
Only a few seats were taken.
Pali pali, open the door, let us in.
While waiting around having nothing to do, 
I added all the seat number together, the total is 2050 in 15 sections. 

Finally, the door opened at around 7:45pm.
We went in and found our seats.
 My seat was closer to the stage than I expected. 

The stage was not high which was good since everyone should get a good view.
As seen in the pictures, the stage was set up as two levels.
The upper part was a big heart with red lights.
There were 4 stools on the stage, a guitar, a base guitar, a set of drums, 
And another one I don’t know the name.
Is our star going to play guitar like he did in the Goodbye YJH?
Or he was even going to play the base guitar give us a surprise rocker performance? 
I can only hope.
I took pictures of the instruments.
There were 4 huge banners hanging inside, two on each side.
Everyone was taking pictures.
But it was kind of dark, so none of mine turned out good.

More and more people came in, looked like it was going to be full house.
First 6 rows in section 3 (middle front, the best seats) were reserved by staff.
VIPs and staff would be sitting there including wuri Hyun Joong.
I saw CEO Yang came with a bodyguard and sat down in VIP area, 3rd row.
A few more staff came and sat scattered in the VIP section. 
Mr. Yang is quite good looking and slim, he looks young for his age too.
How old is he? 37? Wish princess bb was here.
He used to be Bae Yong Joon’s manager. 

Finally, lights off, everyone started to scream, of course me included.
The lights on, the 4-boy band member sat on the stage and sang one song.
I was a little disappointed it was not HJ playing the guitar.
After the song, the MC lady came out dressing like Oh Ha Ni.
She is the funny one who interviewed the Kiss cast a few months before.
Couldn’t understand what she was talking about, but people were laughing.
Then the music started, Hyun Joong dressed in a black suit, so dashing,
Like a royal prince, he graced the stage behind the big heart. 
He was singing “One More Time” with his heart.
He walked down the steps to the main stage.
Still thin and slight pale, but he showed no signs of exhaustion.
He shone like a star on stage. .
He sang with passion and his sweet voice filled the hall.
People sang along with him and waved the candle light.
I completely forgot to take out the light and just stared at his gorgeous face.

He walked to the side of the stage, causing fans in those areas scream louder.
When he came to our side, he gave some bright smiles,
I could hardly breath, feeling my heart melting away again.
He was so close, less than 5 meters away.
I said to myself again, “he looks so happy”.
It was so clear he really enjoyed so much on stage.
His smile, not forced, not acting, not a shy or a weak one, 
it was so bright like a star shines in the sky, it was truly from his heart.
Haven’t seen his genuine smiles like this for a while.

I am sure he was happy and relieved that the drama shooting was finished.
It must be so difficult for him for the last several months.
Especially with the poor rating in Korea, 
Even I was heartbroken with it,
Just can’t imagine what kind of pressure he was under.
But being a fighter, he didn’t give up and tried harder.
He looked relaxed around the crew (which I saw with my own eyes). 
There was no trace of agitation or boredom in him at shooting sites even in the final days,
He was always holding the scripts, rehearsing.

I thought no picture taking was allowed so I put mine away, 
But everyone around me was snapping away.
So I took out mine and start to take pictures.
OMG, I forgot to turn off the flash, oops.
Some Keyeast staff turned around and looked at my direction.
I quickly hid mine again.
But no one else stopped.
So I became a little bold and started to take pictures without flash.
Not good quality, but at least they are mine.
A fan next to me must be one of those major fan club photographers,
She had a major long lens one.
But with our smiling from ear to ear, 
I was able to capture a few good ones.

After Hyun Joong finished “One More Time”, 
The MC lady and him started talking,
Whatever it was, he smiled some more. 
Really wish I could understand what he said.
Next Kiss casts were introduced one by one.
They came down the stairs too.
First the lovely Eunjo, he was so cute.
It was clear that Hyun Joong and him developed good relationship,
He seemed very protective of his dongsaeng.
Then BSJ’s dad, 2 OHN’s friends, JSM and LTS.
The host asked the cast to say something, started with LTS.
He looks better in person I think.
When it was JSM’s turn, 
somehow I could make out the kissing/bed scene was done without NG.
That brought a happy roar from the audience.
BSJ’s dad also mentioned something about the kiss.
EJ had the biggest cheers.
Too bad BSJ omma was not here.
Oh, the 4 band boys came on stage too later.

With all the cast on stage, a clown wheeled out a cake.
With Hana, dul, sam, they blew out the candles together.
Bang, golden confetti came down too.
I was scared for a second.
After that, the rest of cast left the stage to sit down,
While Hyun Joong left to change clothes for his Q&A part.

The casts came down to sit at the 2nd row in the VIP section,
Their respective manager sat in the 3rd behind them.
Around that time, Keyeast staff started to clam down the picture taking.
Guys in black suits started to walk around and scan the audience.
Our area got a couple warnings so I put mine away.
But I pulled out my notebook and started to take notes,
They couldn’t stop me for doing that right?

It was around 9:20pm, the band came out again to sing one more song.
After that, HJ came out with another black suit.
Again dashing to the max.
Earlier, each fan got the chance to write down a question for HJ and put in a box.
Now they brought out the box and HJ got to pick.
He did 4 or 5 I think,
For details, you can find transcripts on other fansites.
Hyun Joong again being witty and 4D, drawing nonstop laughs from fans.
A white tennis uniform and a pair of tennis shoe wore by BSJ were brought to the stage.
Looks like a lucky draw type.
A lucky lady was picked to receive these.
Hyun Joong signed the T shirt.
The fan talked for a while, something about losing weight, etc.
She got a hug from Hyun Joong, lucky lucky her.

Hyun Joong left the stage to prepare for his dance piece.
The lady fan and the MC remained on stage to talk more.
Finally, they left and the music started.
Initially it didn’t sound familiar to me, a new song?
I was super excited.
Instead of the usually pose, he sat down at the steps.
Then it was Please be nice to me after all.
He was wearing a 3 piece black suit, with a black narrow tie..
He started to move,
Ahhhh, his moves, always precise and smooth....
I was quite surprised that he sang live.
He was so close so I could hear the difference.
He made some changes to the steps, so slick, 
We were all screaming at the top of lungs.
Having watched his various performance so many times,
Gotta say, me LOVE LOVE this rendition. 
He was not as serious looking as before,
Smiling a lot clearly he was really enjoying himself.
Then in the middle, the surprising rap part,
He pulled out his tie from his vest and started a complete new set of moves,
So hot, I need oxygen.
Oh, boy, he totally owns the stage.
He didn’t do the usual hand in the crotch hip move for the “all my girl” part, 
But the new arrangement was fine with me.
Not only he smiled, he even came to our side and flirt with the fans,
gave us those evil naughty grins,
Remind me the special MBC music bank U R man 5 member performance.
That devilish smiles can really kill, do you know, my boy?
Hyun Joong ah, good thing the fans have pretty strong healthy hearts,
I really really don’t want stop watching you and start CPR on anyone at that moment. 
It was too short, too short, I want more.
Was sure our blood pressure and heart rates increased quite a bit after that.

Ps :Now I have to watch the video over and over again.
Kudos to the brave fans for taking the videos.
One particular male staff in black was very very strict, 
I called him “Eagle Eye” ajussi. 
He was walking down the aisle warning people. 
Seemed like the backup dancers had some hair style changes.

9:45pm a break before the drama started. The casts got up and went back to stage.
10:00pm after the break, cast minus Hyun Joong came back and sat down at 4th row, 
A couple minutes late, Hyun Joong came and sat down next to BSJ dad,
HJ was now sitting at the aisle seat.
Immediately, fans sitting around that area turned their head and stared at him 
instead of watching the screen. 
So funny. 
After a few minutes, the eagle eyed bodyguard came 
and moved him to row 3, the same row as the CEO, 
so now HJ sat down at the seat next to the aisle,
the bodyguard took the aisle seat and tried his best to block those admiring stares. 
But fans just moved in their seats and continued to stare at HJ. 
HJ was totally cool, 
I am sure he was fully aware of those constant stares,
but he didn’t show any signs of being uncomfortable,
he watched the screen with utter most attention. 
AND, you know what? 
Since there were 6 or 7 empty seats in 3rd row between CEO and HJ, 
I had the perfect non-obstructive view of his face from the left side. 
So I did what fans on the other side did, 
I stared at him too!, 
Completely ignored what was on screen.
Now I have seen pictures taken from our side to show the fans from the other side staring at HJ, 
I just pray very very hard that no one from the opposite side took any pictures, 
it would’ve shown me staring at him shamelessly. 
It was dark, but I could see him very well, each expression, 
I swear my eyes never left his face for more than 15 second each time. 
His side profile, perfect, the sharp jaw line, the sparkles in his eyes, ahhhhh, 
He smiled, and laughed quite a bit, 
and turned around talked to actors a coupe of times.
He showed no signs of tiredness, 
He didn’t yawn even once.
The poor bodyguard was trying very hard, 
I bet at that time he wished he weighed 300lbs.
He moved his body back and forth a couple times, 
causing the fans moving too to get a clear look at HJ.
Lucky lucky me, he was no more than 10 seats away from me,
My eyes had almost one hour of feast.

One hour was too soon.
5 minutes before the ending, HJ left his seat and went back stage.
When the drama ended, HJ came out again singing “Thank You”.
He was still in very good mood, 
At one point, he came down stage and shook a few hand, 
walked in front of 1st row to our side, 
we all thought he would shake hands with us, 
since I was sitting at the aisle seat and very close to the stage,
I was ready to jump if he was going to shake hands, 
oh, no he went up to the stage, such a tease, 
bad boy, Namba namja.
He said something more after the song and left the stage.
On screen, a message was showing,
I assumed it was from him, quite long.
Only later I read the English translation of what he wrote. 
So deep and so sincere.

I couldn’t believe it was over,
All of sudden, all kinds of emotion rushing over me.
Never in my wildest dream would I’ve imagined that this could happen 
To end my amazing star chasing trip like this,
To see Hyun Joong so close,
To see his million watt smiles,
To know that he is happy.
Hyun Joong ah, I am drunk with your smiles.

I hugged the Korean unnie tightly and shed tears of joy.


  1. thanks for sharing this Kathy...
    BTW, there's a translation of the FM Q&A section posted by jina_bing_bang in Soompi

  2. Youre welcome!!And thank you for the link!!!

  3. I am happy to know Leader is at his happiest moment because of the success of Playful Kiss. I like that the CEO was also there to watch his show. So much support from KeyEast. Lavender's account is really so detailed and comes from the heart. I like the way she described Leader ^_^ She was there from the Jeju shoot upto the finale event. Her trip to Korea was indeed very fruitful. I would like to meet her someday!
    Leader organized this activity himself for his fans, an activity he always remembers to do, which makes him adorable, a part of his charm and all proceeds to go to charity! That is why Leader is loved. There is all out support from his management, friends and his fans!!! ^_^

  4. Will there be a possibility for KeyEast to release a DVD of this FM just like BOF? Really hope they will do so.....
