Thursday, January 20, 2011


These are great!!!

As you all know, is the Vietnamese site of Kim Hyun Joong, and one of the best sites ever..

Thanks PEARL for the photos!

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Its always hard posting this.. As many pictures are included.. hehehe.. But.. what the heck! I miss them!!!

Translation by: tlbpc at Soompi


I have made amendments to the previous part (3) again XDDD

In part 3 both of them flirted in a reserved way ~ why? That compared to the following 25mins of BTS that leaves many starry-eyed is quite different because these 2 BTS need to be re-watched again to focus on the little details ~and this BTS has no dates as proof ~scenes were disorderly which is a little hard to follow ~plus 11/1 is YT version’s prescon ~so I will add it on ~as for those intimate scenes I won’t have to say much XDDDD

SJ being chased by Hani ~ HJ here may have thought of adding his own line “why did I get married~” (SM laughing behind the camera)

HJ may say it in a grudging way, but his smiles can’t lie to anyone^^+

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In the eye of the cameraman they are very intimate XDDDD things HJ said to SM, hearts are added

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When it’s break time, both would chat leisurely ~ HJ really like to glance a lot XDDDD

Then HJ said “I want to run away” and he looked at his hand ~ SM responded “That’s good” XDDDD

Hey SM ~ you should at least show concern over his hand ~ HJ has already hinted in front of you XDDDD

For this I must comment ~ both rehearse their lines till they fall asleep is just too cute XDDDDDDDD

While the two crew members had no intention of interrupting them XDDD as they chatted quietly leaving them alone in an understanding way

SM: Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz(such hard  work~ come ~ big sis give you a hug~)

Here both said they are very tired ~ have not sleep for 1 day and night ~ HJ said this is the most tiring day in their whole PK shoot

But!!!! Actually in this scene HJ don’t need to carry SM, because when he bend PD has already said OK ~

Yet he still carry SM~ look ~ is this pose good XDDDDDDDDDD besides SM’s hand on the railing, this sort of view will not be included in editing

↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ Actual camera shoot ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓

↑ ↑ ↑ ↑ Actual camera shoot ↑ ↑ ↑ ↑
Actual scene is shot this way!!!!!HJ even though you are very tired ~ but you haven’t forget to take this opportunity to carry her XDDDDDDDDDD 

So after that then “Please put her down” was said (hearts are added to the subtitles again XDDD) ~ then he put her down very lightly

Because there’s actually no need to carry her ~ so he was looking towards the camera man at the side ~

SM’s smile is so sweet >////<

So after that then “Please put her down” was said (hearts are added to the subtitles again XDDD) ~ then he put her down very lightly

Because there’s actually no need to carry her ~ so he was looking towards the camera man at the side ~

SM’s smile is so sweet >////<

The smile – OK I think HJ’s eyes really looked tired XDD

I find it strange, SM is the one that’s trying out a new gadget ~but why did HJ (off camera) seem more concern XD but his tone of voice doesn’t seem interested (if he’s interested he would have gone to take a look) ~don’t talk nonsense if you really want to talk to her XDDDDD

SM turned around and said “Displayed very accurately” in a very affirmative tone!!!! Yes~ that’s exactly how HJ want you respond in “conversation” with him XDDDD (it’s said that in this scene there is no need for HJ to be around XD)

Yippy! I'm able to post it, OK, will continue, a bit hard work.
the lighting board too close? Why should there be NG huh ~

HJ’s pose was imitated by SM once (don’t think only you can imitate SM!)

The following is my personal fave section~ it’s said that the interview between the cameraman and HJ were such that what was said were actually referring or meaning something else XDDDDDDD

The cameraman asked HJ “What do you think if gotten married?”

HJ: It’s probably good.  There will be someone to wake you up (small wishes he has~ it could turn out that the person you married wakes up later than you XDDD)

Next the cameraman asked : How do you feel for speaking so coldly to Oh Hani?

HJ: That guy is a cold blooded fellow…no blood and no tears….

After saying that he take a look at the camera

 (SM: Zzzzzzzzzzzz)

HJ’s eyes were closed

When he opened his eyes, the make-up artist was re-touching SM’s make-up

Make-up artist continue to touch up SM’s make-up

(SM has opened her eyes)

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Then SM start to move, said something to the make-up artist ~

HJ at this moment begin to read his lines louder ~ smil widens too ~ and said something that's irrelevant to the script ~ “Seung Jo is so cool"but!!!! SM still hasn’t completely awaken yet ~ so she didn’t respond to HJ’s teasing line

And at the same time ~ the cameraman got closer

That’s right ~ the earlier conversation between HJ and the camera man was just casual babblings

Actually both were waiting for SM to wake up!!!!

Now the camera man insist on spoiling the amicable moment between the two of them by asking: Which acting skill you are most confident of?

SM answered “Sleeping” ~ At this moment HJ also followed and answered “Sleeping” XDDDD(So who understand the other more XDDD)

Followed very quickly ~ both of them demonstrated most skillfully the art of sleeping (OK I agree that the editing here is very well done XD)

Who can tell me which direction were SM’s legs placed ????? (Take note of the blanket’s folds)

Then SM got off the bed and couldn’t find her slippers ~ extremely cold XDDD

Ran back to bed immediately ~ HJ’s eyes followed SM as she ran

1st Nov is YT prescon, I don’t know the timing sequence, so I’ll slot it here.  I like this prescon because they are the only ones who attended and the focus is solely on them, no way like before the attention was divided with the other actors. So what they said and done is kind of shy cautiousness.  All of us should keep these prescon photos well, as they gain more experience, we won’t be able to see their shyness as well as their awkwardness XDDDDD

MC introduce them as they enter ~ SM was going up the steps very slowly because of her high heels ~ HJ also followed her with slow steps

As they are about to take a seat ~ SM turned to say something to HJ, but HJ didn’t reply ~

But we can see that he went to his seat by going by the front ~ I wonder was he in a daze XDDD

SM went to her seat from the back which looked better XDDD

When self-introducing themselves, HJ was calm ~ look at that smile and steadiness, well done XDDD

But SM is a little nervous ~ because she starts to touch her hair ~

Skipped the middle ~ personally I prefer to focus on the main things

MC asked : First time marriage for both of you?

At this moment, SM started laughing (again touching her hair)~

Look at HJ, he must have gone into his own world (that’s to say he spaced out XDDDD)

Finally he has awaken ~ realized the MC asked them something ~ both smiled the same way >////<

HJ turned to look at the MC ~ but the MC was actually waiting for an answer XDDDD

But I know that when he turned his head, his eye would be able to see SM being shy with her head down >////<

Then HJ realized and start to answer ~ refrain his smile for a while ~ this change of facial expression I have seen it before at FM

That’s when Papa Baek asked him how many times have he kissed SM.  He was smiling but very quickly he’d refrain from smiling

Then he smiled again ~

HJ: In WGM I have already married once, so this is my second marriage ~

SM laughed after hearing this answer (thinking in my heart : OS:I don't care)

While answering questions, HJ didn’t sit still and seem uneasy ~ hands sure were busy XDDDD the calm and steadiness are gone XD

When it’s SM’s turn to answer a direct question :“First time?”

Then SM smiled shyly : Yes>////< (think surely HJ must be smiling very happily)

And as he listen to SM’s answer, HJ’s smile is like this ~ and his eyes are solely all over SM

After interview, time to take photos together

The MC requested them to pose with more closeness ~ but the two just laughed like silly

Still no action XDDDD

Continue to smile and laugh like silly, don’t know what to do XDDDDDDDD so cute are these two >/////////< even smiling silly also it’s alike

MC persistently continue to say – come on, please pose as a newly wed couple will do XDDDDD

HJ then said something to SM and she put her hand on his arm


Must be holding on too easily, after photo-taking while waiting for the production co management personnel, SM still didn’t let go her hand>/////<

Still hasn’t let go her hand ~ both of their dump expression are funny XDDDDDDD

 Oh ~ if not for having to hold the T-shirt ~ I don’t think they will let go of each other’s hand XDDDDDDD

Left only HJ slowly unfold the T-shirt (looking serious)

It’s so close till SM was unable to unfold the T-shirt wide enough XDDDDDDDDD

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I have been wondering for a long time, whose laughter was that?

Look at the shadow,  honestly I won’t say it’s HJ’s ~ because if it’s HJ, I think it will be subtitled

Because the cameraman is this couple fan (XD)

I can say that because all the subtitles were from the camera man’s point of view (subtitleby cameraman – couple clothes really suit the both of them …)

This is the very intimate part of the newly wed morning, Hani give Seung Jo a kiss unexpectedly

But SM didn’t succeed the first time XDDDD I think it’s the height difference XDDDD

HJ looking at SM

Laughing XDDDD

Wider smiles now ~ both their hands haven’t let go still XDDDD

Again ~ finally kissed him

SM ran to the side blushing red ~ this definitely isn’t due to the lightings

So cameraman please don’t shoot anymore ~~~~SM’s face is really blushing XDDDDD

Then the one that just got kissed was also very shy, put on a want to hit someone look XDDDD

But actually he was very happy ~ don’t pretend anymore XDDDDDDD

Already said the cameraman is this couple fan XDDDDD

SM: What are you looking at?

And this expression from HJ suits very to say : Look what? XDDDDDDDDD

I feel that HJ is actually very caring towards SM’s feelings, like when the directors shouted “cut” he then slowly move his hands from SM’s arms

When the shoot is over, both stood at the same spot (once again proves that both are unlike most actors would separate immediately when it’s over)

Although I don’t know how long both of them stood there, but the buttons on SM’s sweater are already buttoned up (wonder who buttoned up for her? If it’s SM herself, then I’d say she has very good skill XDDDD)

Although HJ is cold but he only put his hands in his pocket

Then for whatever reason the director walked towards them, HJ quickly remove SM’s sweater

SM refuse to remove it XDDDDD

Even noona also nagged him for such behaviour XD

Actually that scene is still not OK yet,  because after HJ has taken the sweater and went away, SM is still standing at the same spot

So when HJ said he did that for the shoot ~ that I can understand ~

But please take it off slowly the next time XDD

HJ pretend to wear the SM’s jacket by mistake ~ tsk tsk ~ he really know how to make her happy XDDD

Both being interviewed ~ HJ still pretend saying that it’s not cold ~ but actually he was shivering when he was talking XDDDDD

Although SM don’t believe him ~ but still supports him XDDDD

After the interview SM brought HJ’s sweater home (Big deal XDDD)

Wonder why was this little moment of the scene edited for audience to see = =

I know they are flirting XD but that’s not enough

Good thing there is fancam to fill in the missing part XDDDD

At first HJ sat on the wheel chair, crew helped him with somethings

Next SM came into view ~ probably to say ‘Hi”, HJ quickly turn his head to look at her

Then don’t know what both of them are chatting about

Next both of them push the wheel chair backwards, SM help HJ with this jacket, again both were chatting non-stop XD

Shooting was about to shart (SM has removed her jacket), she patiently let HJ deal with the drip tube on his hand(?)

After several rehearsals, SM found that the drip tube on HJ’s hand has fallen off(?)

So SM naturally help HJ fix it

Once again it was tied up, while HJ obediently let SM fix it XDDDD

As said, my main focus is on this scene XDDDD it seem like SM helping HJ with the drip tube had been N times, doesn’t look one bit unfamiliar XDDD actually from fixing his hair and blanket earlier I knew,  this indicates that she must have already done all that many times for him till she is this familiar XDDDD

Now this

And this ~ both looked at each other and laughed so happily XDDD the big brother at the side is aware XD

SM once again helped HJ to adjust his clothes >/////< SM, you are so caring

Then both while waiting for the shoot start chatting again

Look at the crew at the side with no chance of joining in the chat XD

While reading lines, HJ again teased SM

SM said doubtingly : I have already put it down

HJ asked her to get off the car XDDDDD and SM co-operatively said: I am getting off

This conversation is really in good co-ordination XDDDDD

(Subtitle by the cameraman: This two trouble makers are really matching isn’t it so?) May I ask what other goodies does the cameraman have?  Why is he always hinting that these two are so matching XDDDD That we already know 

Shooting completed ~ SM lovingly prepared a cake to encourage the crew ~

To both who are lead actors for the first time, the wrap-up of final shootings should be sad right? ~ But both seem kind of glad XDDDD absolutely none of that “this will be the last time we will ever be seeing each other” sort of regrettable mood ~ what’s the reason for this??? I don’t have to explain ;) 

Finally ……….finish writing ~~~~~

Thank everyone for your patience in reading this series of articles, if in the process you have feelings of happiness and gladness, that definitely is not erroneous feelings, but it’s two waves of happy currents.  This is my first Korean drama following that lasted this long, using words to record down shows the vast magnitude of couple love from HJ & SM.  No matter how both their development will be, whether for now or in future, the feelings that they had is definitely genuine, the audience’s eyes are crystal clear XDDDD (this is the Chinese way of saying that the audience are able to see that they are really showing true feelings with no pretence and that is impossible to escape their eyes.)

Once again thank you everyone !!!!(Take a bow)